Netflix’s Version of Cleopatra

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Queen Cleopatra’s intriguing personality was the center focus of world cinema, as they embodied her life in several cinematic works by several actresses, the most famous of which is Cleopatra starring the woman with the charming violet eyes Elizabeth Taylor in 1963, which was nominated for nine Oscars and won five of them. The Italian star Monica Bellucci also played the role of the queen in the family fantasy film Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, which was produced in 2002, and the Italian Sofia Loren, who played the same role in Two Nights with Cleopatra in 1954.

In addition to other dramas in various languages and cultures in the world, which presented the Queen of Egypt of Macedonian origins who was born in Alexandria – where Alexandria witnessed the birth of eight generations of the Ptolemaic before her birth – in the closest descriptions provided by historians about her shape, size, and skin color, but the screen never presented Cleopatra with dark skin before, as the actresses who embodied her in the cinematic works pop up in everyone’s mind when thinking of Cleopatra. We had not had any accurate picture of her other than the pictures painted on coins and in which she appears with an unattractive nose and chin, and other Egyptian-style pictures in the statues and murals carved in the temple of Dendera, where she appears as a mysterious queen who wears wigs, two feathers, the sun disk, the snake’s head, the horns of the cow, like the crowns of Egyptian queens, and nothing else.

In this short documentary, Adele James played the role of Queen Cleopatra, who is a mixed-race actress with brown skin, curly hair, and beautiful wide eyes; Adele was able to embody the life of the queen in her various stages from a naive princess reading books in the Library of Alexandria to a powerful queen who prefers death to a life of captivity and slavery.

She was also able to switch between the different characters of the queen’s life, from being a seasoned politician, an attractive lady, and a warrior leader, who was able to switch from one character to the other smoothly. Craig Russell played the role of Mark Anthony and James Marlowe in the role of Octavian, where the distinguished performance of everyone excelled over the rest dramatic elements of the work.

On determining Cleopatra’s skin color, the documentary includes several interviews with academics and experts in Egyptology. Professor Shelley P. Haley, an African-American woman, says that Cleopatra is dark-skinned as her grandmother told her in childhood, and Dr. Islam Issa says that he imagines her with pale dark skin and curly hair, and despite the speakers’ insight and knowledge of history, they appear to be fans rather than historians.

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