Sudan: A statement about the assault of the rebel forces on the Coptic Church in Omdurman


 the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments issued a statement about the attack by the rebel forces on the Coptic Church in Omdurman.

in which it denounced this criminal attack against the Sudanese society, which prevails peaceful coexistence among them. These criminal acts.

and the following is provided by (SUNA), the text of the statement: –

All the peoples of the world have followed through the media the heinous crimes committed by the rebel Rapid Support Forces.

since the fifteenth of April 2023 until today, which consisted of killing innocent people, terrorizing the safe.

sabotaging and burning government facilities and institutions, entering hospitals and expelling patients in a phenomenon unparalleled in history.

– Within the framework of its terrorist approach and its violation of international laws and norms.

the transgressive group continued on Sunday 14/5/2023 its sinful aggression and its heinous actions by attacking places of worship.

by bombing mosques in Al-Azhari and Barri Al-Daraysa, then by attacking the Coptic Church in Al-Masalma neighborhood in Omdurman.

where it assaulted the priest, the bishop’s assistant, and the worshipers. And she shot them both in broad daylight.

which resulted in many injuries, then she seized their cars, money, and phones at gunpoint. Not only that.

but the attack affected the residence of elderly women and the girls’ interior, and their money and phones were looted.

– The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments denounces this extraneous criminal attack on Sudanese society.

as peaceful coexistence, the preservation of places of worship, and respect for human rights are the prevailing features in Sudan.

– As the Ministry denounces and condemns, based on its national and religious responsibilities.

this attack on the Christian brothers, it declares its support for them and wishes the injured a speedy recovery.

By all means to stop such crimes, The Ministry renews its strong stand by the Sudanese Armed Forces to repel .

the aggressors and conspirators so that the country can enjoy security, peace and tranquility.

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