Documents to be adopted during the Russian-African Summit

Source: TASS

Several diplomatic sources said that at the end of the Russian-African summit, many documents will be approved at once, including those related to security.

A source said, “At the end of the summit, it is expected that several final documents will be adopted, including a general political declaration, in addition to several other documents. There is also talk here about agreements related to cooperation in outer space, counter-terrorism measures, and security, economic and humanitarian cooperation.” .

Representatives of the embassies of several African countries assured the reporter that they actively participated in the drafting of the above-mentioned documents.
In the embassies of African countries, the interlocutors of TASS emphasize that their countries actively participated in the development of documents.
The second Russia-Africa Summit and the Russia-Africa Economic Forum are scheduled to be held on July 27-28 in St. Petersburg.

The summit event took place for the first time, in October 2019, in the resort of Sochi, under the slogan “For Peace, Security and Development.”

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