Somalia:The National Intelligence Service confiscates a container full of military equipment that was destined for terrorists

Somalia News Agency:

 the National Intelligence and Security Service forces succeeded in confiscating a container at .

Mogadishu International Port, carrying military devices and equipment that were on their way to the terrorist youth militia.

The Minister of State at the Ministry of Internal Security, Mr. Muhammad Ali Haga, and the Deputy Minister of Information.

Culture and Tourism, Mr. Abdul Rahman Sheikh Yusuf Al-Adala, said in a joint press conference that.

the National Intelligence was closely following this military equipment that was hidden in the commercial goods that are being brought into the country.

And the National Intelligence succeeded in monitoring every step taken by the terrorist enemy to harm civilians, making it easy to find their information.

On the other hand, the security forces seized most of the communications equipment.

that was on its way to the enemy and were unloaded at Mogadishu airport.

The port and the airport are two important resources for the country, and the seizure of these tools .

and goods is evidence of the hard work being done by the security services in the country and how our intelligence has been strengthened.

The Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia is determined to crack down on terrorists and everyone.

who helps the suffering of our people whether they are businessmen, officials or any kind of society.


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