Measures to stimulate language development in the child


The German magazine “Baby & Family” reported that parents can stimulate a child’s language development by following the following measures:

– Talking to the child while doing daily routine activities such as preparing meals, for example.

Name things, people, and events, answer the child’s questions, and draw his or her attention to surrounding writing, such as traffic signs and on wrappers.

– Adding new vocabulary to the child’s dictionary during some special activities, such as birthdays and visiting the zoo.

Singing with the child, reading to him, and pointing to words and pictures while reading.

– Encourage the child to draw and describe what he drew, as well as encourage him to tell stories and tales.

Baby & Family indicated that parents should consult a speech-language specialist if they suspect that their child is suffering from language difficulties, which can be inferred by observing some indicators such as the child’s use of children’s language for a long time or his lack of interest in reading or children’s songs.

Other indicators include difficulty following simple instructions or distinguishing letters or names, in addition to difficulty recognizing his written name or letters, or difficulty in expressing himself verbally.

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