Meta announces the discontinuation of the Facebook Messenger application on the Apple Watch, as of the end of May


Meta announced today that it has stopped its messaging application, Facebook Messenger, as of the end of May.

And the official spokesperson for the company stated that users of the application are currently receiving .

a notification that the application will stop working at the end of this month, but they will receive message alerts only.

from the application normally, and despite the continued arrival of message alerts, users will not be.

able to respond to them via the hour, and they will have to use the application on / iPhone/.

It is noteworthy that the Messenger application provides users on the Apple Watch with the ability to receive messages .

and respond to them quickly, and send voice messages, stickers, etc., even when the iPhone is not connected.

to the watch, and all these options will stop later, when the decision to stop the application on the watch comes into effect.

The Mita company is also beginning to provide the WhatsApp application, which it also owns.

experimentally on smart watches running the Android WearOS system, so that the application on the watch.

is linked to the phone to receive messages and review conversations while preserving the confidentiality of messages .

protected by full encryption, and Google has promised American calls are also supported at a later time, when the application is available to all users.

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