Effective Mixtures for Cleaning the Face from Blackheads

Egyptian National Media Authority

Many women suffer from blackheads, which can be just as bothersome as acne. They appear as dark, raised bumps and commonly affect areas with oil glands, such as the nose and cheeks. In some cases, they can also appear on the forehead, though less frequently.

Although there are multiple causes, it is possible to remove blackheads permanently by following effective recipes and avoiding habits that initially caused their appearance.

Face Cleansing Mixtures for Blackheads:

1- Sugar and Coconut Oil Scrub:

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that protect the skin and help with cell renewal, making it ideal for treating any skin surface damage, even inside the pores.

In this recipe, sugar is used for exfoliation to clean clogged pores and remove dead skin cells gently.


To prepare this scrub, take two small spoons of sugar and add some coconut oil. Mix well and apply it to your face, gently rubbing it without stressing your skin for some time, then rinse it off with cold water.

2- Brown Sugar and Cucumber Scrub:

Similar to the previous recipe, this scrub aims to remove blackheads from their roots without dehydrating your skin. Brown sugar deeply exfoliates your skin, treating both blackheads and whiteheads, while cucumber moisturizes and helps with acne-prone skin.


Mix half a cup of brown sugar with five small spoons of cucumber paste. You can also add some avocado paste to the mixture. Mix well and apply it to your face, then rinse it off with lukewarm water after gently rubbing it.

3- Baking Soda and Lemon Scrub:

Baking soda eliminates dead skin cells, effectively uprooting blackheads from within the pores. Lemon, rich in vitamins, helps unclog and cleanse blocked pores, leaving no room for blackheads.


Take a tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with half a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your face until it dries, then rinse with lukewarm water.

4- Egg Whites:

Egg whites tighten pores and remove any residues of dead skin or oil that might clog them. This complete removal of blackheads results in soft, problem-free skin.


Use the whites of two eggs, whisk them in a bowl. Apply a thin layer to the affected area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then wash your skin with warm water.

5- Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is a spice with antibacterial properties, making it an effective treatment for blackheads. It also helps renew the skin, eliminating dead skin cells while leaving your skin youthful and glowing, free of bumps.


Mix a tablespoon of cinnamon powder with two tablespoons of honey to make a thick paste. Apply it to the affected area and rinse it off after 10-15 minutes.

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