What are the most important applications that drain the smartphone battery?

Source: Daily Mail

Experts have revealed that social media apps, streaming services, and some games are among the worst factors that drain your phone’s battery.

According to technology experts at Decluttr, a technology trading website, the apps that are most harmful to your smartphone battery are the ones that are constantly running in the background — even when they’re not actively used.

Experts warn that “Facebook”, “Instagram”, “Twitter”, “Snapchat” and “TikTok” are among the most draining applications, as applications can access your location, microphone, camera and contacts at all times.

It comes after users complained that the new Meta social media app, which has broken records by garnering more than 109 million users since its launch last week, was “killing their phone’s battery at lightning speed”.

Aside from social media apps, Decluttr warned that streaming apps including Spotify and Netflix are also among the worst offenders to drain your phone’s battery — and Amazon’s app.

He warned that the Uber taxi service app also drains battery life because, like social media apps, it has access to your location, microphone and media, as well as financial information.

Gaming apps like Candy Crush also eat up your phone’s battery life because they require a lot of processing power.

One way to reduce battery usage for these apps, Decluttr said, is to stop accessing features like the camera and microphone.

Changing location access to allow only when using an app can help preserve your smartphone’s battery life for a longer period.

Another tip is to turn off your phone’s Background App Refresh setting, which allows apps to check for updates and new content, even when they’re not actively in use.

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